Notice the Babb family coat of arms on the home page. A few years back I was looking for a Babb family coat of arms and to my dismay I discovered that every Heraldry site offered different versions for a price. Since I am a designer I figured it couldn’t be that hard to draft one. After several months of research I finally figured I had enough material collected and rendered my own version based more on facts rather than one generated by a Heraldry software. In the process I came across the Babb family motto “Semper Paratus” which means always prepared, which I incorporated into the design. Unlike those Heraldry sites or stores I am more than willing to provide my copy free, the coat of arms was designed in Adobe Illustrator but I can provide it in other formats. If you like the one on the home page just right mouse click over the coat of arms and save the image.
Archive for April, 2011
Pardon the mess has been registered for several years primarily for handling email accounts. We finally decided it was time to post a website about the Babb family name. Today was phase 2 to post the web up on the domain server. Now we are starting phase 3 giving the site content which we could use some help with.